The Advancement of Modern Day Video Capabilities

Have you ever wondered what professional films are shot with nowadays?

A lot of recent films have been making use of “Red Digital Cinema” cameras. The below is the cream of their current crop, shooting up to 6K resolutions at 100FPS and starting out around a staggering R 500,000 a piece, only for the camera body, no lenses or attachments whatsoever.

By comparison, 2K TVs are only just becoming “affordable” to the high end consumer. The best GoPro shoots 4K at a maximum of 15FPS which is admirable but a practically useless framerate. Still, despite this, the majority of current consumer video cameras still only capture up to 1080p at 60 FPS making 6K at 100FPS all the more impressive, hence the hefty price 😀

Still, the GoPro Hero 3 Black boasts impressive video capabilities for a camera of it’s size, and at it’s relatively low retail price the market as already started taking advantage of this by making kits to fit conventional camera lenses to the GoPro instead of the OEM fixed focus and -angle version, thus allowing macro, cinematic wide angle and zoom features previously lost to it’s great potential.

Some more info in the links below:

Red Epic M Dragon

GoPro Hero3+ Black

Back-Bone GoPro Lens Conversion

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