Dive Report – Froggy Pond

Date/Time: 2014/06/22 12h00
Site: Froggy Pond a.k.a. Justin’s “Bay to the left of A-Frame”
Bottom Time: 45min
Dive Temp: 15 degrees
Visibility: Endless… (Okay 10-12m-ish)


Hi, my name is Martin and I’m a divaholic. It has been almost 2 months since my last dive… until yesterday!

Yes folks, many a dive happened over the weekend and for those who could not muscle up the courage to discard the warm embrace of their duvet, hot chocolate and mini series, let me be that person everyone dreads and tell you that you missed out on one of those rare perfect diving days in the kingdom of Capetonia.

Matter of fact, I almost missed out myself. Have you ever left a crucial piece of gear at home? A mask maybe? Or a spare o-ring? How about YOUR ENTIRE WETSUIT! I suppose my rush to hit the road early Sunday morning clouded my memory somewhat and while I deemed the car “packed”, both my own and Jolene’s wetsuits were still having a jol in the garage. This we obviously only discovered at 09h40 when everybody started kitting up at A-Frame, and there we were left with one of two choices: Abandon a potentially awesome day of diving altogether, or go to Pisces and rent some gear to join the second dive. We chose the latter, and a mere hour later we were back at Le Frame, ready to get salty!
After what seemed like an eternity, the first group of divers emerged from their earlier dive and even from a distance, it was obvious that conditions were great judging by their widened eyes, massive smiles and waving hands. This only reinforced our enthusiasm to get wet asap!

While some of the diver’s from the first group decided to do A-Frame again, Silver Fox Johnson opted to dive what at that point was only referred to as “the bay”. This turned out to be the beach to the left of A-Frame, which was super appealing in the blazing midday sun. White sand and calm turquoise water; like something from a honeymoon destination ad.

Some kitting and walking later, we finally hit the water, a very comfortable 15 degrees (okay, not so comfortable in rental suits, but you get the idea). If it wasn’t for the reg in my mouth, I would have most certainly instantly drowned from the massive gasp I took when we submerged. The viz was incredible, and even more rewarding since it’s been ages since I last experienced the absolute tranquil world that exists a mere inch under the water’s surface. Going from hot and uncomfortable to cooled down in silent weightlessness is like falling asleep at night, and having the absolute best dream ever.

By the time we reached the kelp/reef, we were welcomed (and followed) by large groups of Hottentot, some Red Romans and a few scattered Klipfish and Shysharks. About halfway through the dive a huge seal popped in to say hello, and we also came across several Octopi.

All too soon it was time to head back to shore, and we ended the day chowing down on some Dixies ribs and discussing what was one of those odd perfect winter diving days!

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